Rural Outreach Program
Ethos' Rural Outreach Program supports schools around Oregon that have experienced cuts in their art and music budgets. Through a partnership with AmeriCorps and OregonServes, Ethos places music instructors in rural communities where they develop sustainable, independent K-12 music programs. Curriculum includes instrument lessons, assemblies, workshops, and arts integration training for teachers and administrations.
The Rural Outreach Program locations have included communities such as Condon, Dufur, Elkton, Falls City, Fossil, Long Creek, Madras, Monument, and Spray. Most schools partner with Ethos for 2-4 years.
Rural Outreach Site Criteria
Ethos Music Center’s Rural Outreach Program is seeking to partner with Oregon schools and school districts for the 2024-25 school year.
This program prioritizes Partner Schools and School Districts that meet 3 or more of the following criteria:
A public or charter school
Located in rural Oregon
A city population smaller than 15,000
Thirty miles or more from an urban center with a population greater than 50,000
At least 25% of students qualifying for free or reduced lunch
County unemployment or underemployment rates greater than the state average
No music teacher on staff within the past three years
Nearby affordable housing options AmeriCorps members
An active and supportive PTA or similar student-focused group
These criteria ensure that participating sites are rural and severely economically distressed communities, as demonstrated by federal and state data. The criteria are designed to be flexible and support communities that may only meet some of these parameters, but demonstrate significant barriers to music education nonetheless.
For more information or to apply for our open AmeriCorps positions, please visit the Rural Outreach Program (ROP) Music Facilitators page.
Apply to Become a Rural Outreach Site