Ensemble Lessons
In Ensemble Lessons, students learn to collaborate, communicate, and have fun while making music together! Ensemble Lessons give students the opportunity to play with a group of peers on a variety of instruments. Many of our ensemble groups have played live shows at venues around town and provided live music at Ethos events. Ensemble Lessons meet weekly in the evenings for 50 minutes and run in 10-week terms.
Because Intermediate Ensemble Lessons require some experience, students who are interested in enrolling in Jazz Ensemble or Rock Band should inquire about placement by calling or emailing Ethos’ Front Desk. Returning students and bands will be given schedule priority.
Questions about which Ensemble Class is the right fit? Feel free to contact us for assistance!
Tuesday 6-6:50pm 1/14 - 3/18
7-7:50pm 1/14 - 3/18
Wednesday 6-6:50pm 1/15 - 3/19
Jazz Band
Friday 5-5:50pm 1/17 - 3/21
Metal Band
Monday 5:00-5:50pm 1/13 - 3.31
Folk Band
Please contact us.
Vocal Ensemble
Wednesday 6:00-6:50pm 1/15 - 3/19
Thursday 6:30-7:20pm 1/16 - 3/20
Intermediate Ensemble Lessons Offered
Jazz Ensemble
Open to students who can sightread, know scales and note names, and read basic chord charts.
Rock Band
Open to guitarists, bassists, keyboardists, drummers, and singers ages 10-18 with at least one year of experience on their instrument.
Vocal Ensemble
For students looking to get experience singing in a group setting. Choir is for ages 6-10 and will benefit students with less experience will be for older students.
Adult Vocal Ensemble
Contact us for more information about these ensemble lessons.
Contact us for more information about these ensemble lessons.
Folk Band
Contact us for more information about these ensemble lessons.
Instrument Rentals
Did you know Ethos rents instruments to qualifying students?
After registering, contact our Instrument Coordinator at instruments@ethos.org to set up an appointment.
Ensemble Lesson Prices
Full Price: $225.00
Reduced Lunch Price: $155.25
Free Lunch Price: $95.25
Please contact Front Desk at lessons@ethos.org or by calling (503) 283-8467, Ext 1 to get set up with
Ensemble Classes.